


Interview | download | on line
Eleftheria, Anastasios Andrikopoulos | Kalamata 2023

Interview | download | on line
Kathimerini, Tassoula Eptakili | Athens 2021

Interview | download
Eurowinds – Blaesermusik in Europa magazine
Hendrik Reichardt | Germany 2017

Interview | download
Polytonon magazine of the Greek Composers Union
Maria-Christina Krithara & Maria Theofili | Athens 2017

Interview | download | on line
Athens Voice, Lena Ioannidou | Athens 2016

Interview | download | on line, Stella Tziva | Athens 2013

Interview | download | on line, Stelios Tziritas | Athens 2012

Interview | download
Ethnos / Reportage magazine, Vaso Mihopoulou | Athens 2012

Interview | download
Real news, Manolis Pardalis | Athens 2011

Interview | download | on line
Ta NEA, Angeliki Karagiorgou | Athens 2010

Interview | download
To VIMA / BHMAgazino, Giorgos Nastos | Athens 2010

Interview “Interpreters in dialogue with composers:
Natalia Gerakis – Minas Borboudakis” | download
Flöte aktuell magazine | Frankfurt 2010

Portrait | download
Kathimerini / Gynaika magazine , Maro Vasiliadou | Athens 2009

Portrait | download
Kathimerini / K magazine, Maro Vasiliadou | Athens 2009



Article on “Opus Alexandrinum” | download | on line
Kathimerini, Maro Vasiliadou | Athens 2024

Article on Spetses International Music Summer Academy | download | on line
Lifo, Christos Paridis | Athens 2021

Article on Spetses International Music Summer Academy | download | on line
Proto Thema, Tina Mandilara | Athens 2021

Article on concert “Cherry Orchard” | download | on line
Efimerida Syntakton, Dimitris Kanellopoulos | Athens 2016

Article on concert “Cherry Orchard” | download | on line
Avgi, Mania Zousi | Athens 2016

Article on concert “Russian Essence” | download | on line
Kathimerini, Sakis Ioannidis | Athens 2016

Article on concert “Russian Essence” | on line
Lifo | Athens 2016

Article on Springiersbach Flute Course | download
FLUIT magazine, Nicole Golsteijn-Heijnen | Holland 2014

Article on concert “Italian Pearls” | download | on line
TO VIMA, Isma Toulatou | Athens 2011


Review on Book/CD “Opus Alexandrinumdownload | on line
Efimerida Syntakton / Nisides, Dinos Siotis | Athens 2024

Review on concert “Light! Oh, Where Is the Light?”
Songs after the poetry of Rabindranath Tagore | download | on line
Athinorama, Haris Symvoulidis | Athens 2024

Review on concert “Metaphysics Vol.I” download | on line
Efimerida Syntakton, Giannis Svolos | Athens 2022

Review on concert “Telemann”| download | on line
Musik am 13. Zeitung, Innes Stricker | Stuttgart 2018

Review on concert “Russian Essence” | download | on line
Kathimerini, Nikos Dontas | Athens 2016

Review on concert “Russian Essence” | download | on line
Efimerida Syntakton, Giannis Svolos | Athens 2016

Review on concert “Russian Essence” | download | on line
Athinorama, Eftyhios Horiatakis | Athens 2016

Review on concert “Connections” | download | on line
Αthinorama, Eftyhios Horiatakis | Athens 2016

Review on CD “DEBUSSY la musique à moi” | download
FLUIT magazine, Mia Dreese | Holland 2014

Review on CD “DEBUSSY la musique à moi” | download
FALAUT magazine, Filippo Staiano | Italy 2014

Review on CD “DEBUSSY la musique à moi” | download
Tonkünstlerforum magazine, Ulrike Albrecht | 2014

Review on Trossingen Flute Course | download
Tonkünstlerforum magazine, Ulrike Albrecht | 2014

Review on concert & CD “DEBUSSY la musique à moi” | download | on line
Αthinorama, Eftyhios Horiatakis | Athens 2014

Review on concert & CD “DEBUSSY la musique à moi” |  download
Ichos & Ikona, Nikos Dontas | Athens 2014

Review on concert & CD “DEBUSSY la musique à moi” | download | on line
Kathimerini, Nikos Dontas | Athens 2013

Review on CD “DEBUSSY la musique à moi” | download
Efimerida Syntakton, Giannis Svolos | Athens 2013

Review on CD “DEBUSSY la musique à moi” | download
Eleutherotypia, Christos Sfiakos | Athens 2013

Review on concert “Terra e Aria” | download | on line
St.Galler Tagblatt, Theodore Looser | Switzerland 2013

Review on concert “Continents” | download
Stuttgarter Zeitung, Martin Bernklau | Stuttgart 2011

Review on concert “Terra e Aria” | download
Stuttgarter Zeitung, Martin Bernklau | Stuttgart 2010

Review on concert | download
Neue Württembergische Zeitung, Heike Hezler | Goeppingen 2010

Review on concert as soloist | downloadon line
St.Galler Tagblatt | Switzerland 2010

Review on concert “Terra e Aria” | downloadon line
St.Galler Tagblatt | Switzerland 2010

Review on “Terra e Aria” CD | download
Το VIMA | Athens 2009

Review on “Terra e Aria” CD | download
Kathimerini, Nikos Boursinos | Athens 2009

Review on “Terra e Aria” CD | download
Ta NEA, Pavlos Agiannidis | Athens 2009

Review on “Terra e Aria” CD | download 
JΑΖΖ & ΤΖΑΖ, Thomas Tamvakos | Athens 2009

“A concert of a very high standard… Ulrike Neubacher and Natalia Gerakis,
soloists of international acclaim, filled both the space and the audience
with magical and breathtaking sounds.”
St.Galler Tagblatt, Switzerland 2006

“In perfect synchronisation with her piano partner, the talented musician played
impressively with sound colours and generated outbursts from the audience.”
Badische Neueste Nachrichten, Karlsruhe 2006

“The Greek flutist played with musicality, a dreamily expressive sound, excellent
articulation and fine dynamic shades. She used all the possible timbres of her
instrument in one of the most important works for flute: C. Debussy’ s Syrinx.”
Scwhaebiche Post,  Aalen 2005

“The excellent phrasing and full blooded expression of Ms Gerakis’ flute playing
was thoroughly convincing, both in chamber music and solo passages.”
Trierischer Volksfreund, Trier 2003

“For her solo performance of A. Ginastera’ s Impressiones de la Punta,
the flutist Natalia Gerakis received well deserved applause.”
Bad Homburger Woche, Bad Homburg 2002

“An extremely remarkable interpreter! With a very clear musical understanding
and variation of timbre she presented a wonderfully picturesque sound world.”
Frankfurter Neue Press, Germany 2002